Get Involved

Thank you for your interest in getting involved with the Embodying Race(ism) Lab.

We welcome undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in gaining hands-on experience in public health-research. Our RAs generally work on 1-2 research projects at a time and are asked to commit to working in the lab for at least one year, with preference given to students who can commit to two-years. You can learn more about our lab and the way we work by checking out the lab handbook.

We look for students who are passionate about addressing racial/ethnic health inequities with experience in quantitative data analysis in R or STATA, some familiarity with public health, and previous coursework or experience in research methods– although if you haven’t developed this experience yet, please still reach out.

If you think you might be a good fit for the lab, please complete this RA Interest Form. In addition, all interested students are asked to complete a brief RA skills assessment. Download the skills assessment and files (births_2014_sample; county_2014) you will need to complete the assessment. Dr AMC will reach out to schedule a time to meet after your form is received.